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March 3, 2024

Solodit Joins the Cyfrin Ecosystem

Today, we are excited to announce that we have taken a significant step towards achieving this goal by acquiring Solodit, a powerful tool committed to...

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At Cyfrin, we are dedicated to making web3 a safer place by providing top-notch smart contract audits and educational content. Our mission is to empower developers and auditors alike, ensuring that the decentralized ecosystem is secure and reliable.

Today, we are excited to announce that we have taken a significant step towards achieving this goal by acquiring Solodit, a powerful tool committed to Solidity Smart Contract Auditors.

About Solodit

Solodit was built by Hans and his talented team to provide an invaluable resource for smart contract auditors. The tool allows users to query historical reports aggregated from various auditors in web3, including Trail of Bits, Code4rena, Sherlock, and more. By offering insights into past exploits, their severity, and the latest bugs being reported across web3, Solodit enables auditors to stay up-to-date and make informed decisions when assessing smart contract security.

Why We Acquired Solodit

Hans, the creator of Solodit, is a respected security researcher on the Cyfrin audits team. His dedication and expertise align perfectly with our mission, making this acquisition a natural fit. By integrating Solodit into our suite of services, we can further our mission to educate and enable smart contract auditors for all of web3.

Looking Ahead

The Cyfrin team is thrilled to welcome the Solodit team on board. We are dedicated to making Web3 a safer place, and educational tooling like Solodit is exactly how we are going to get there.

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